Quality Casting Alloys![]()
Yellow, White and Rose Gold casting grains for your fine jewelry
We offer the highest-quality casting grains.
- Yellow gold is available in 10, 14, 18, and 24-karat.
- White gold is available in 10, 14, and 18-karat.
- Rose or Red gold is available in 14 and 18 karat.
The prices below are available for in-the-trade wholesale customers only.
Description | Sale price | |
$/dwt | $/oz | |
10-karat yellow | $62.22 | $1,244.37 |
10-karat white | $62.22 | $1,244.37 |
14-karat yellow | $86.63 | $1,732.69 |
14-karat rose | $86.63 | $1,732.69 |
14-karat white | $86.63 | $1,732.69 |
18-karat yellow | $111.06 | $2,221.29 |
18-karat rose | $111.06 | $2,221.29 |
18-karat white | $111.06 | $2,221.29 |
24-karat yellow | $136.86 | $2,737.20 |
Sterling Silver Casting Grain
Sterling Silver (92.5%) casting grain for your silver smithing needs. Sold to in the trade customers in one troy ounce increments.
Description | Sale price – $/oz | |
Sterling Silver | $30.63 |
- Delivery available in Greater Twin Cities area.
- Insured overnight shipping starting at $25.00.
- We require wire transfers or certified checks before releasing invoices for new customers.
- Net 30 accounts available for established customers
- Prices and availability are subject to change without notice.